Monday, January 5, 2015

Hello 2015!

Merry (super belated) Christmas and Happy New Year!

The husband and I spent Christmas at home in Vancouver and every trip home is jam packed so I haven't been checking in on here very much. Going home is always so great. Getting to spend time with my sisters and parents, hanging out with all of our friends, and going to our favorite places and discovering new places in the city. Coming back to Copenhagen is always a little bittersweet.

2015 is off to a good start though! I just got back to work today and as some of you may know, I started an internship in August but as of January 1st, I started a one-year, full-time position as international coordinator and personal assistant. It has taken a long time to get here and I'm so happy to finally start my career! 

Besides that, the husband and I have already got some trips planned for the year so there is a lot I'm looking forward to this year. We're going to London for a few days next month. If you have any favorite places or suggestions as to what we have to do there, let me know!

I hope 2015 has been off to a great start for you! It's a new year and a new start!


  1. So excited about you new job, and maybe more so about you travelling plans! Oslo in May will be fantastic <3

  2. That's so great, Karen! Congrats! Hope this year is fantastic for you both. And I'll be in touch about that coffee date, just as soon as I can get my exams out of the way. ;)

    1. thanks elaina! good luck on your exams :) looking forward to hear how your second year is going! can't wait to see you again!

  3. Congrats on your new job! I spent some time on a project in London last year, and I was fascinated by the Barbican, so if you have some time, I'd suggest to check it out. Very cool structure, and there's some really nice restaurants and bars in there, too!

    1. thanks laura! i'll definitely keep barbican in mind for next month! :)

  4. Happy New Year to you Karen and congrats on your new job!

    1. happy new year to you too Rochelle! and hope to see you again soon :)
