Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Tree

This past Saturday started out with the fiance and I going to buy a tree at the University of Copenhagen's Life Sciences campus in Frederiksberg. We chose to buy a tree at the University because they sold organic and regular fir and spruce trees and the profits that students made from tree sales would go towards supporting their study trips. You can find more information about De Skovbrugsstuderendes Juletræssalg on their facebook page.

This is the first time I've had a real Christmas tree so it was fun going out to pick our tree. We wanted a small tree and the fiance found the one that we brought home. We took our tree home and decorated it right away with the clay ornaments I made last month along with a few ornaments from last year, and some that we bought from Holmegaard. I'm really enjoying the tree in our living room and I can't believe that Christmas is just a little over a week away!

Have you put your tree up or bought your tree yet?

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you've decorated your tree. Is it the way other people in Denmark might decorate their trees?

    The place where you bought your tree looks neat. The yellow buildings and the lights strung up, and the cobblestone path. It's all very quaint and exactly what I would expect of Denmark.
