Friday, May 17, 2013


Some glimpses into my week.

The boyfriend and I way, way, way before we met each other.

Sweet little strawberries.

Reading some Danish home interior magazines on a lazy afternoon.

Cake decorating on Thursday night at Craftenhagen.

I know you will not believe me, but well, we have another long weekend here in Denmark! Seriously. It's getting pretty ridiculous. We thought about taking a trip to Århus but I think we're going to drive down to Møns Klint tomorrow instead. I've been wanting to go there for awhile and since the weather is nice and we have time this weekend, why not!

How has your week been?


  1. Oh I went to Mons Klint when I was in Denmark on holiday as a child, I remember it being amazing, I hope you enjoy it.

    Your cake looks amazing.

    1. Møns Klint was beautiful! And your memory of the place is so right, is is amazing :)

  2. Long weekends are amazing, and with such great weather - makes it even better!!:)

    Hope you trip was fun!:) <3

    1. Hope you had a great day celebrating in Oslo on Friday! :)
