Thursday, March 6, 2014


Some things I (and the fiance) have been enjoying recently.

Fish tacos. We made these last Friday and seriously, they have been better than any other taco we have made at home. We made a delicious white sauce to go with our tacos and made a habanero salsa to really spice things up. (I am not really a fan of these crunchy tacos but they are gluten free. I am thinking about making my own corn tortillas though! Has anyone tried it?)

Saturday night coffee dates. We didn't have plans a few weekends ago and rather than going out for cocktail we went for coffee in the neighborhood. It's so nice that some cafes in the city are staying open later these days.

We borrowed the fiance's parents juicer and we've been juicing the last two weeks. Carrots, beets, apples, blood oranges, lemons, ginger, cucumbers, pears, basically anything we have sitting in our fridge we've juiced. Yum. We've also been mixing some chia seeds in our juices for an extra health kick.

Also loving simple and easy to make dinners that are healthy and delicious. The other night we just chopped up some veggies and threw it into a baking tray with some salmon filets we were having and just baked and roasted everything in the oven. Sometimes not having to stand at the stove for like an hour is really nice. Plus roasted vegetables are amazing.

I have also been listening to a lot of Birdy recently, I've been replaying her song Heart of Gold a lot. Give her a spin?

What have you been into lately?

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