Sunday, August 18, 2013

Covered in Paint

I've been slacking on my posts this week but I have a good reason for it! We're moving! The boyfriend bought an apartment a little while ago and we got the keys to it this week. 

On Friday evening we went to Silvan to load up on painting supplies and paint so this whole weekend we've been painting. Some of our friends came over to help the last two days and we are so incredibly grateful and thankful for them! We are almost finished and we couldn't have done it without them. There are a few more walls that need a second coat of paint, but after tomorrow, we should be ready to start moving stuff in.

I'm excited to show you our new place over the next little while. The style will be different from the place we are in now and we ourselves are still developing our taste and what we like so I'm excited to see it all come together!


  1. Exciting stuff! Lovely to have a project like that. We're hoping to move soon as well so I may be writing similar posts, haha! Nicola x

    1. Oh awesome! I hope apartment hunting and the moving in goes smoothly for you! :)
