Friday, May 3, 2013

Sweet Miss Etoile

I really like Miss Etoile's products. Every time I am on the home and kitchen floor of Magasin, I stop and spend a few minutes at the Miss Etoile section. Miss Etoile is a Danish home decor, crafts, and accessory company. I especially love their sweet and whimsical teacups and plates. I'm totally wishing for one of the mugs with the eyes on them with the handle as the nose.

Miss Etoile had a lagersalg/outlet sale this week and I picked up a little dish that I've had my eye on and a little butter plate as well as two round paper lanterns. I could have bought more (there were teacups and bowls and some home decor items) but I thought the boyfriend wouldn't have liked so much of it because Miss Etoile's products are really girly, so I passed on a lot of things. But then I came home and showed him their website and he said he liked them! So maybe next time?

I will be using this little Bon Appetit dish for little sweets. I think they would be perfect for lining up a row of homemade macarons! And this little butter dish with the lid is just adorable. I can't wait to have people over for brunch and use it! Party decor is generally pretty expensive here in Copenhagen. Miss Etoile does sell paper lanterns, tissue paper pom poms/flowers, and crepe paper decorations as well but I think they are a little overpriced in the stores. But, because I picked everything up at the lagersalg, I only spent 50kr/$9! So next time Miss Etoile has another lagersalg, I am definitely picking up some teacups and other pretty serving ware!


  1. i love this you know when the next lagersalg is? and how do we find out about it? is the sale online or only in person?

    1. Hi! The lagersalg was in person at their offices in Copenhagen. You can follow their page on Facebook for updates.
